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Successful exhibition Rhapsody 2023
It was fun and also busy at the exhibition of the art group Rhapsody on August 27, 2023 in Elst. The eight participants showed work made with glass fusion but also sculpture and ceramics. There was even a real sculpture gallery in one corridor. We wish new owners a lot of fun with their new artworks! Thanks to all visitors and of course also to the participants of the exhibition for a wonderful art day!

New: Bon bini beach
These waves of Bon Bini Beach capture the soul of Caribbean paradise in brilliant glass. It evokes the longing for the azure water, the breaking waves, the soft sand and the warm rays of the sun. A world where every day feels like a warm greeting.

17 September – Glass market Lommel, Belgium
New date: After the glass market was cancelled on 6 August 2023 due to bad weather, the international glass market will still be held in Lommel on 17 September. Rineke is also present here with her glass sculptures. Come along for a chat and, why not, get a nice sculpture of your choice!sculpture

200 Facebook followers – 100 on Instagram
My website gives a nice overview of my work and the development in it. Thank you CARIEN.EU for the construction! You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram to immediately keep up with me when there is something new. I am happy with my already 200 followers on Facebook and more than 100 on Instagram! You help me make my work visible.

New: Bamboo
Bamboo is not, as usual, made of long strips of glass, but rather of short strips that differ in color. The bright knots in the stems give the work a botanical look.

27 August – Exhibition Kunstgroep Rhapsody 2023
This year like last year, the members of art group Rhapsody from Elst will exhibit their work on 27 August between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm. The location is at Reethsestraat 7 in Elst. This year the emphasis is on sculptures in glass, stone and bronze. There is also the possibility to try sculpting yourself. Admission is free.