Wonderful weekend "Reflections in Glass"

Rineke and Carolin enjoyed their exhibition “Reflections in Glass” together with their visitors in the Church of Persingen. Despite the rain, many people came to watch and enjoy. The church was beautifully decorated with the colorful glass sculptures by Rineke in the middle and the magical lava-coating glass panels by Carolin on the walls. The work of the two artists complemented each other beautifully. The artists have decided to exhibit together more often!

We thank the Church of Persingen for being able to use the beautiful and well-kept location. We thank all visitors for their interest. And we wish all buyers a lot of viewing pleasure with their purchased work!


Reflections in Glass

Rineke Nijssen and
Carolin Zibulka

18 and 19 November 2023
Kerkje van Persingen