Rhythm and blues

“Rhythm and Blues” is an intriguing glass artwork that captures the essence of this style of music in visual form. It combines elegance with dynamics and breathes a sense of movement. The rhythm of Rineke’s characteristic glass strips topped with the blues of the round elements evokes emotion and creativity. A perfect addition to any space that needs vibrancy.


The John Denver song Poems Prayers and Promisses has been in Rineke’s mind ever since her youth. The song was also playing when she came up with the idea for this artwork. The glass elements each consist of three parts. Not symetrical but miraculous anyway. Forever beautiful. This is Evergreen.


Rineke’s glass artwork “Caterpillars” reflects the curling movements of tiny crawling caterpillars in her flower garden, captured in blue, yellow, and clear glass. The work is framed for a nice spot on the wall.


It doesn’t matter where you are, what the weather is like or what season it is. The two-sided object Abundance sparkles in the light and automatically transports you to a fresh flower bed in spring.


Aquamarine is a gemstone that comes in the colors pale green, blue-green, and light blue. Wonderful colors to see together in a jewel. Rineke made this ‘living room jewel’ Aquamarine with similar colours and sparkle as inspiration. It’s like an underwater world where the light shines in!


Discover “Spectrum,” a stunning 3D artwork constructed with Rineke’s signature glass strips. The soft transitions from color to color and the vivid hues create an atmospheric and bright contemporary image. The pleasure Rineke had while creating radiates from it.


If you take a photo with a trendy Polaroid camera, it has those white edges, necessary for development and transport by the camera. That image gave Rineke the idea for this glass work. The light is reflected in green and clear strips of glass. And the frame in the middle shows what’s behind the work. Peekaboo!


The grid for the game inspired Rineke to create this glass fusion object Tic-tac-toe. The 9 squares are placed horizontally and vertically, just like the blue pawns in them. The work is framed in a beautiful wooden frame.

Kir Royal

For Rineke, 2023 is a festive year in which she is breaking through as a glass artist. This is celebrated with a festive drink, a Kir Royal. This artwork connects to the colors and feelings of the pink champagne cocktail. Party time!


This blue-green glass artwork in turquoise base is called Geysir and is the third in the Eruptions series. Geysir the Icelanders call it, the spouting spring that gave our hot water appliances its name. Rineke went to look there, but stood a little too close to it. The wind earned her a wet suit that only stayed warm for a moment…