
A2 + B2 = C2 is the Pythagorean theorem, to calculate the length of the three sides of a right triangle. The challenge with this glass object by Rineke is to calculate the length of the two oblique sides. , when you only know that the height of the work is 27 cm, and the width of the foot is 17 cm. Moreover, you can see that the two sides are not equally slanted. You’ll manage, wont you?

Bon bini beach

These waves of Bon Bini Beach capture the soul of Caribbean paradise in brilliant glass. It evokes the longing for the azure water, the breaking waves, the soft sand and the warm rays of the sun. A world where every day feels like a warm greeting.


Rineke first made a number of separate elements for this work. After forming, they lay on the workbench for a while to see what it would be. Suddenly it became clear: It turned out to be the twisted shape of a chromosome! A helix, in other words. What a discovery.


This large glass object has the shape of two superimposed Roman arches. The azure in the edges of the work reminds you of the water of the Mediteranee.


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